
2025 Phase 2B Renovation Updates


Pool and Pool Deck Renovation
February 25, 2025

As you may be aware, the renovation of our main pool and pool deck is currently underway and is expected to be completed by December 2025.
During this period, the adult pool and the new kids' pool will remain fully accessible for your enjoyment.
With 30+ days into the renovation, we would like to provide you with an update on the progress:

  • We completed the major demolition around the pool deck.
  • Trenches have been excavated around the pool deck to accommodate piping/conduits for water, electricity, data, and other utilities.
  • The West Side project, which involves connecting a power feeder to the pump room and extending a sewage line to the front of the property, began on February 19th and is expected to continue for several weeks.
  • The East Side project, scheduled to begin on March 3rd, will include the removal of six palm trees, installation of drainage and a waterline, and the building of our new towel hut. As a result, the fence will be temporarily extended to the walkway, and tables, umbrellas and chairs will be relocated to the grassy area east of the kids' pool.

Please note that construction activities will involve periods of drilling, machinery noise, and dust in the surrounding areas.
While we understand that this may cause some inconvenience, these enhancements are part of our ongoing commitment to improving the resort for your continued enjoyment.

We sincerely appreciate your patience and understanding during this process and apologize for any disruptions.
Thank you for your support as we work to create an even better experience for all.



As we have been informing you, the renovation of our pool and pool deck is currently underway and is expected to continue through the second week of December 2025.

In the meantime, the new adult pool and kids' pool remain accessible, and we encourage guests to take advantage of the beach, as seating on the pool deck is currently limited.

To give you an update on what has happened so far, the pavers around the pool deck have been removed, and demolition work has been completed on the old kids' pool, jacuzzis, dolphin tower, waterslide, bridge, and towel hut. Contractors are now clearing out the remaining construction debris. Soon, they will begin excavating trenches to access and replace the underground piping as part of the renovation.

Please be aware that during this project, there will be periods of drilling, machinery noise, and dust in the surrounding areas. While we understand this may cause some inconvenience, these upgrades reflect our commitment to enhancing the resort experience for your enjoyment.

We sincerely appreciate your patience and understanding as we work to create a better and more enjoyable environment for all.



Como les hemos estado informando, la renovación de nuestra piscina y la terraza de la piscina está en marcha y se espera que continúe hasta la segunda semana de diciembre de 2025.

Mientras tanto, la nueva piscina para adultos y la piscina para niños siguen siendo accesibles, y alentamos a nuestros huéspedes a disfrutar de la playa, ya que el espacio para sentarse en el deck de la piscina es limitado.
Para mantenerlos actualizados sobre los avances, los adoquines alrededor del deck de la piscina han sido removidos, y se ha completado la demolición de la antigua piscina para niños, los jacuzzis, la torre del delfín, el tobogán de agua, el puente y la antigua caseta de toallas. Actualmente, los contratistas están retirando los escombros restantes de la obra. Pronto comenzarán a excavar zanjas para ubicar y reemplazar las tuberías subterráneas como parte del plan de renovación.

Tengan en cuenta que, durante este proyecto, habrá períodos de perforaciones, ruido de maquinaria y polvo en las áreas cercanas. Si bien entendemos que esto puede causar algunas molestias, estas mejoras reflejan nuestro compromiso de brindar una experiencia aún mejor en el resort para su disfrute.

Agradecemos sinceramente su paciencia y comprensión mientras trabajamos para crear un ambiente más agradable y placentero para todos.

UPDATE #1 JANUARY 28, 2025

As you are aware, the renovation of our pool and pool deck is now underway and is expected to last through the second week of December 2025. 
The construction area has been securely fenced off, and the pool has been carefully drained in compliance with specific guidelines to prevent overloading the drainage system.
Demolition of the old kids' pool, the jacuzzi by the Pata Pata Bar, the bridge, and the towel hut has started.
Colorful signage has been installed to clearly mark designated walkways, temporary showers have been set up to replace the ones near the beach ramp, which is currently inaccessible, and a temporary staircase has been added exclusively for access to Citro Spa.
Please note that during this renovation project, there will be periods of drilling, machinery noise, and dust in the surrounding areas. While we understand that this may cause some inconvenience, these upgrades are part of our commitment to enhancing the resort experience for your enjoyment.
We sincerely apologize for any disruption and thank you for your patience and understanding as we work to create a better and more enjoyable environment for all.
28 DE ENERO DE 2025
Como sabrán, la renovación de nuestra piscina y la terraza de la piscina está en marcha y se espera que finalice en la segunda semana de diciembre de 2025.
El área de construcción ha sido cercada de forma segura, y la piscina se ha vaciado cuidadosamente cumpliendo con las directrices específicas para evitar sobrecargar el sistema de drenaje.
La demolición de la antigua piscina infantil, el jacuzzi junto al Pata Pata Bar, el puente y la caseta de toallas ha comenzado.

Se han colocado letreros coloridos para marcar claramente las áreas de pasose han instalado duchas temporales para reemplazar las cercanas a la rampa de la playa, que actualmente no está accesible, y se ha añadido una escalera temporal exclusivamente para el acceso a Citro Spa.
Tengan en cuenta que durante este proyecto de renovación habrá períodos con ruido de perforaciones, maquinaria y polvo en las áreas circundantes. Aunque entendemos que esto puede causar algunas molestias, estas mejoras son parte de nuestro compromiso de optimizar la experiencia en el resort para su disfrute.
Lamentamos sinceramente cualquier inconveniente y agradecemos su paciencia y comprensión mientras trabajamos para crear un ambiente mejor y más agradable para todos.

Here's a special message from our General Manager on Phase 2B!

Get an inside look at all the incredible changes coming your way, designed to make your stay even more memorable.